Happy 2nd Birthday Liam
- Jumping
- Talking in complete sentences
- Singing his ABC's
- Count to 10 by himself
- Singing many songs (Baa Baa Black Sheep, Row Your Boat, and Baby Beluga)
- Hide and Seek
- Riding quads
- First fireworks show (he fell asleep halfway through)
- Liam has energy to rival the energizer bunny so we spend as much time outside playing in the little pool, his sand box, and riding our bikes. While we are inside we play cars, color or paint, legos, and play dough. We also go to the library for story time. Liam loves to read books so we spend a lot of time during the day reading. We also spend time each week with Liam's closest friends Jessa, Alaina, and Aidan Kimble. Liam has a great time playing with them, and it has been fun seeing how his interactions have changed over the last year.
- Liam has done quite a bit of traveling over the last year too. In December we went to Hawaii for a family vacation, which was so amazing. It was great to spend time as a family and to spend the with the Cruz's too. April was a southern California adventure. We all headed out to see Uncle Andy get married to Aunt Jacinda. It was an amazing wedding and we had a great time with all the family. In May Liam and I traveled to Phoenix by ourselves for some quality time with Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Jill, Uncle Tyrel, Cousins Madison and Ashlyn, and Grammie and Pop pop. We had an awesome 2 weeks there.
Today we had a family birthday celebration. Jason, Liam and I had a doughnut breakfast, spaghetti for dinner with a cupcake dessert. Liam got to open his presents, which included a pizza set, toy tiger, Lion King, and two items I made for him (A Chefs Apron, and a Tool Belt). We also got him a musical card, which was a hit. But the best present of all was the change Jason gave him. Liam is so into money right now that its funny.
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